Welcome to the website of Volley 6

Welcome to the english version of the Volley 6 website. We are currently translating all the website content, please feel free to give us any feedback


Work in progress

Hello, We opened the english version of our website. We are working as fast as possible to translate every page and every information of the french version.  

Presentation of Volley 6

Albert Waintrop, founder of Volley 6

Founded in 1984 by Albert Waintrop, Volley 6 is the only Volley ball club affiliated to the FFVB and located in the sixth arrondissement of Paris.

In 2017, our club counted 120 members, half of them in the youth division, and as many women as men.

Competition, fun and sharing are the values which bring all our members together to practice our passion : volley ball.